Thursday, March 20, 2014

35 Weeks w/ Baby Boy!

So I have 4 weeks left until my c-section.  At 11 weeks I was really ready to be done, but around 9 I wasn't ready at all.  Now I am back to being super ready to go!  Everything is scheduled and I'm trying to organize what to do with Piper while we're at the hospital for 3 nights & it makes it all seem like it's really happening soon but I still have 4 weeks to wait!  And I feel huge and exhausted and just so over it.  I feel like I haven't felt normal in 9 months and I miss being a great mommy to Piper.  It'll be a while after my c-section until I feel "normal" again but at least there is a light at the end of the tunnel.  I don't know how people have babies at the age of 40.  I am a few days shy of 34 and feel worn out and would never want to do this later in my age.  As you can see I am carrying way bigger than last time - and even last time I was measuring big!  At my recent 34 week appointment I measured 36 weeks so maybe he will come early!  I wouldn't mind if he did, but it wouldn't be fun having an emergency c-section.  He's still moving around in there a ton, I will miss that part of my pregnancy the most, but am also ready to see his little face and snuggle with him.  It's also time Sam carries this little boy around some, I've put in my time haha.  I had a sprinkle shower the other day that was fun, I've got lots of little boy stuff now and some diapers, and the nursery is pretty much put together so we are ready and waiting!  We are not 100% on a name so I guess we will have to see his little face and hopefully that'll help us decide!  
Alright...hopefully I post again before the baby but it's doubtful. 

34 weeks with baby #2 (boy)

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Almost 29 Weeks & Bump Photos

So I have 11 weeks to go until my due date and I am ready now!  I have felt so huge for so long that I am ready to be done with this.  I am sore and tired and I can't believe I will get much bigger but I will!  I measured big with Piper and I am measuring big again this time.  These comparisons down below are insane! On the left is me at 24 weeks with Piper and on the right is me at 24 weeks with this pregnancy (poor boy still doesn't have a name)! 

Now look at 28 weeks with Piper (left) and 28 weeks with baby boy (right)!!! 

Yikes.  I look ready to pop already.  Piper ended up being 8.5 pounds so I'm sure this boy will be even bigger.  Lucky I am having a c-section I suppose!  I did my glucose test today, so far all my other tests have turned out great.  I have an ultrasound in a month so we can schedule our c-section.  I'm not looking forward to the recovery at all, especially with a toddler running around the house.  But I am ready to get back to my old self.  I miss being able to run around with her and pick her up and cuddle her!  My groin has hurt since Thanksgiving and I go to a chiropractor for my lower back every week.  I just get a lot more pains than I did last time.  He is really pokey too, really jabs me and punches preparing for a very active little boy!  Piper felt him kick for the first time the other day, it kind of scared her cause she jumped back and said "that scared me", and after I explained it's just her baby brother stretching and moving around she said "my baby brother is coming to see me!".  That was very sweet.  Now she likes to touch my stomach more and watch it to see if it'll bump up and down.  She even rubbed lotion all over it the other day.  It was very sweet but part of me wonders if she was just stalling for bedtime, like always!  Piper has the next 3 days off of school and then the weekend & Sam is going to be out of town; so I pray she is a good girl and my tummy behaves and I survive without too many tears (on her part and mine!).  I had a great trip to Vegas with my Mom and Sister a couple weeks ago and in a few weeks Sam and I are taking a little babymoon to San Antonio.  Sounds like a weird spot but he's never been and it's such a good place to walk around and eat and relax!  We also got a free hotel on the river walk and it's easier to drive 3 hours than fly anywhere at this point.  K...Piper's waking up from her nap (thank goodness she still takes them!) and I need to make a very strong cup of tea to keep me going.  Until next time!  xo.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

It's a BOY!

It's been a long time again.  I am hoping to use this as a sort of journal while pregnant with what will be our last child,  a little boy due in April 2014.  I found out I was pregnant when only 4 weeks pregnant and had to tell family pretty quick as we were going to be spending 2 weeks with Sam's family that month in England.  I was 5 weeks along in England and 7 weeks by the time we got home.  By 12 weeks we already found out we were having a little boy via a blood test during a genetics screening.  We have confirmed it is a little boy through a recent ultrasound, and boy is he a boy!  haha.  

My first trimester was exhausting, I've never been so tired in my whole life.  I woke up feeling exhausted.  I napped every single day when Piper napped, I was really sick of napping.  It consumed my life!  Once I finally got over there I got sick.  Once I finally got over being sick, I pulled my groin!  So I haven't been 100% in months and it's annoying and depressing. I think I am seeing a light at the end of the tunnel but we'll see how my 3rd trimester treats me!  I really took for granted feeling so amazing with my 1st pregnancy.  I am thankful I never suffered morning sickness but being super tired and out of it all the time is just as awful.  I am going to a chiropractor now for my back and am wearing an external maternity belt to help with groin and round ligament pains.  Piper will be 6 weeks away from turning 3 years old when her baby brother is born.  We pretty much already know the day the baby will be born since I have to have a repeat c-section.  Weird being able to choose his birthday!  

I was excited and also scared when I found out I was pregnant.  It just makes me sad knowing I won't have my full attention on Piper anymore but I know once this little baby comes that it won't worry me so much.  I'm already getting use to not being able to focus on her very much since this pregnancy feels like it's taken over my life.  She is just at an amazing age right now.  She is so loving, sweet and learning so much every day, but also has her "hyper piper" moments and I know she will keep this little baby fully entertained!  Here are a few pictures and I that's really all I have to say right now! 

 baby fisher #2, it's a boy!  this is our 20 week scan.  due april 2014
 my little model always posing for the camera
 piper's school photo, fall 2013
halloween 2013 - jessie from toy story & her daddy!  yee haw!

Monday, March 18, 2013

A Year Flies!

I can't believe it's been almost a year since I last wrote.  I totally forgot I even had a blog, let alone finding the time to blog.  I wish I would have kept up with it more because it's so much fun to look back at it.  Well, Piper turns 2 in a couple of months and I can't believe it!  She is very very active, running everywhere, loves to spend as much time as she can outside, and goes to Mother's Day Out twice a week and really enjoys it.  Since our trip to Belize we all went to Spain for over a week to spend lots of good quality time with Sam's family.  It was a great trip even though it took forever to get there, and with a 1 year old - it was super exhausting!  I don't think we've flown since then ha.  Sam and I had our first weekend away for our 5 year anniversary in September.  We spent 3 nights in Austin and had so much fun.  Piper spent 1 night with my sister and 2 nights with my parents.  I am hoping we can take another trip just the 2 of us before we get pregnant with #2.  Which is TBD ;)  Oh also Sam's mum Val came over to see us in Houston for Thanksgiving and got to spend a lot of time loving on her only granddaughter, reading her stories, getting up with her in the mornings, it was a great visit!  Coming up we have a trip to Connecticut with Sam's parents, sister Jemima and her husband Andrew and son Alex.  Then in August we will spend 2 weeks in the UK for Sam's cousin's wedding.  Which means we will spend Christmas here in Houston again, yay!  Waking up in our own house this past Christmas and watching Piper open her stockings in our bed was so special, I want to do that every single year!  Alright, that is all for now - here are some pictures.  I have so much more to update but can't even think of it all!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Belize Family Trip, April 2012

So we decided to take a family vacation to San Pedro, Belize in April.  People thought we were crazy for going there for 7 days with Piper but I didn't think it would be so bad.  It probably wouldn't have been except the night before we flew out she got a 104.6 fever and we spent all night in the ER!  They couldn't figure out what was wrong with her, said it was just a virus and we were fine to fly.  So on very little sleep and very quick packing we were on our way the next day!  Piper was pretty fussy the first few days, but once her fever broke, she got better and snapped out of it she was really happy to be there and happy to spend so much time with us (esp her Dada).  She started walking just after she turned 10 months and is pretty much running now!  It made the trip a lot better and easier to have her on the beach!  Her 1st Birthday is in a couple of weeks and I'm having so much trouble wrapping my head around that fact!  Time flies when you're in love with your baby I guess!! 

Sunday, March 25, 2012

10 Months Old!

Been a while since I posted. Piper is 10 months old on Monday, she says mama, she has 3 teeth and she walks!!! She took her first steps a couple weeks ago and then 7 and the other day I counted 25! She is just so adorable lately, very sweet, hugs us, wants to cuddle, laughs all the time, babbles and is so curious. My birthday was yesterday and it was so cute having her bring me my presents! Though she wasn't a fan of actually letting go of them ha. She is finally eating a lot, basically anything we give her (especially finger foods) she'll eat it. She use to be so picky so it was a struggle to get to this point. We go to Belize in a few weeks and can't wait! I hope she is fully walking by then so there is less sand in the mouth but who knows! Alright, will try to post again soon! xo.Swingin' at the park...loving her thumb.
Ready for summer in her new romper
Sleepy mornings
Waving hello at the park (find the toes). Her new nanny Kisa took this photo!

Andrew LOVES being chased by Piper, it's so cute!

Here she is walkin' around the kitchen.

She gets what she wants

Friday, October 14, 2011

20 Weeks!?

"let's get physical...physical!"

"oh hello there...i'm kinda nude"

her Nana knitted her this sweater - she can't wear it in Houston so we took it to Vancouver

Piper turned 20 weeks old yesterday - how is that possible? Someone once said "the days are long but the weeks are short with a baby" and it's so true. I have loved every minute with Piper and am finally realizing how grateful I am to be able to stay home with her and watch her grow and learn. She really has made it pretty easy on us, yes she has her fussy times but when it comes down to it she is a great sleeper, she smiles 95% of the day, and she makes my heart sing...she's amazing. I am so bad at keeping this blog but I hope to get better mainly so I can have this as a record later of all my favorite Piper moments and achievements. Lately we're trying to get her to eat some rice cereal but it's not going well, I finally added a little banana and she's starting to take tiny nibbles. I'll keep trying! She's so active in her crib, I go in there in the morning to get her and her legs are dangling out of the crib bars or her hand is stuck, she's not even close to where I laid her down - she is on the move! Above are some of my favorite pictures from the last month. The 2nd two are from our recent trip to Vancouver. Our trip to Vancouver was great, she slept on the way there and on the way back. It's almost a 5 hour flight - so it kind of prepared us for our trip to the UK for Christmas - 10 hours just doesn't compare to 5 though so I'm still a bit nervous.

I'll start uploading these videos to the blog at some point but for now here are links to them...she's so vocal now and playful: